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Health and safety management system at work

Corporate Profile


OBJECTIVE 1. Identify, evaluate and control 100% of the risk factors derived from substandard conditions and acts present in the work environment, or during national land travel carried out by employees, preventing the occurrence of work accidents and road accidents that imply alterations in the health of people or damage to third parties, always ensuring compliance with the Comprehensive Management Policy and Road Safety Policy during the execution of administrative and operational tasks that include the execution of projects and services

OBJECTIVE 2: Implement and maintain 100% of the OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  Occupational health and safety management and Road Safety, in compliance with current legal regulations, guaranteeing a safe and healthy work environment for employees in the performance of their jobs, promoting safe habits, behaviors, conduct, and commitment to the continuous improvement of the SG-SST, as well as the leadership of all workers, contractors and road actors of the organization.

OBJECTIVE 3: Guarantee the competence of 100% of the organization’s employees by strengthening skills, verifying education, training and experience, through the execution of a Training and Training Plan aimed at preventing dangers and risks inherent to the organization’s corporate purpose activities.

OBJECTIVE 4: Comply with 100% of current legal regulations and other applicable regulations.

OBJECTIVE 5: Promote, maintain and improve 100% of the health and working conditions in the Organization, in order to preserve a state of physical, mental and social well-being of the workers, both individually and collectively, which improves the productivity of the Organization.