INSURCOL® is committed to increasing customer satisfaction, protecting the environment by preventing pollution generated in its processes and managing the elimination, replacement, engineering controls, administrative controls and use of personal protection elements in relation to occupational risks within the occupational health and safety management system in favor of the improvement of the individual and collective health of its employees, quality of life of our workers, their families and the communities where we carry out our work, the management of risks generated in its processes and the consolidation of a culture of information security. It is inclusive with the responsibility of promoting emplyment generation, guaranteeing the timely payment of salaries and social security as established by Colombian legislation. Therefore, at its main headquarters and its branches it bases its policy on:
- Exceed customer expectations by providing serious, respectful and responsible treatment by offering top quality supplies, specialized technical services, INSURCOL® brand technological solutions and execution of projects that involve engineering, purchasing and construction for the energy, gas, hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, fuels, biofuels, lubricants, mining and chemicals, among others; innovating with clean technologies and energy efficiency. We provide comprehensive support to our clients through highly qualified, motivated and emotionally related professionals and collaborators with the organization; fostering mutually beneficial business relationships with our suppliers, with high quality standards and in harmony with the environment.
- Identify hazards, evaluate, assess and eliminate OSH and Road Safety risks, present in the activities carried out, establish controls, implement safe work procedures; execute epidemiological surveillance, medicine, hygiene and industrial safety programs; The organization establishes responsibilities in SST matters, promotes healthy lifestyles, training and training programs, safety inspections, promotes spaces for the participation and consultation of workers at all levels of the organization and its interested parties as well as activities aimed at the prevention and mitigation of accidents, incidents and occupational diseases related to duly identified inherent risks, where the culture of self-care is priorized and promoted, maintaining adequate safety conditions, preventing and controlling potential risks that may cause damage to property, our own financial integrity and that of our clients. The regulation of prevention and care actions for health and safety at work is carried out, which allow us to address the effects on mental health, taking into account the different work modalities. Therefore, the organization is committed to ensuring the competence of the personnel, through the empowerment of human resources who carry out tasks that impact Health and Safety in SST work, and is also committed to complying with all Biosafety protocols regarding the prevention of COVID-19.
- Maintain a work environment free of all forms of violence against women and based on gender, and discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or any type of discrimination in the workplace and contractual environment. , developing Protocols to prevent, address and adopt protective measures against all forms of violence, any type of aggression, abuse, humiliation, inconsiderate and offensive treatment and in general any outrage to human dignity within the organization in the context of labor relations, developing the procedures, and allocating the necessary resources to implement preventive and corrective measures for workplace harassment, in order to promote an excellent work environment, foster positive social relations between all the company's workers, and support the dignity and integrity of people. at work.
- Identify and control significant socio-environmental aspects and impacts, such as discharge of sanitary wastewater, solid waste, gas emissions and others that arise in the development of activities; contribute to the preservation of the environment, preventing contamination of soil, air and water; promoting the use of clean and renewable energies, making efficient use of water and energy resources, and ensuring adequate final disposal of waste; The organization establishes its commitment to not using single-use plastics, and to managing the use of recyclable materials, promoting sustainable actions. The organization is committed to allocating resources to offset the carbon footprint generated by its operation, through monitoring, control and compensation, establishing strategies to protect the environmental and socioeconomic environment of present and future generations.
- Guarantee both in operations and in commercial relationships with suppliers, contractors, clients and competitors, compliance with good commercial practices, taking into account our principles and values clearly defined in the Code of Conduct. Establishing a set of values and principles that govern the behavior of INSURCOL®, in the fulfillment of its functions and in its commercial and professional relationships, acting in accordance with current regulations; Likewise, INSURCOL extends its commitment to the good governance of the organization, compliance with human rights, freedom of expression, free development and other actions to improve the working conditions of its workers, having practices aimed at to improve and strengthen the relationships between the family-employee-company, thus achieving emotional, family and economic stability for them; executing social action programs and guaranteeing the good use of the resources invested by its associates.
- Protect, preserve and objectively manage INSURCOL information, along with the technologies used for its processing, against internal or external threats, deliberate or accidental, in order to ensure compliance with the principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability.
- Define the criteria, procedures and execution regarding the prevention and control of money laundering, financing of terrorism and financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – hereinafter SAGRILAFT –, within the operations of the organization, through the identification and control of LA/FT/FPADM risks.
- Insurcol establishes the Design, structuring, implementation, execution and verification of actions aimed at the prevention and effective mitigation of any corrupt practice in compliance with the transparency and business ethics program (PTEE) defined in the organization.
Likewise, it undertakes to comply with the specific requirements and those that, although not established, are necessary for the specified or intended use; Likewise, applicable legal and regulatory requirements and local regulations and others subscribed to by the organization, framing its Quality, Environment, Safety and Health Management Systems at work and ethics and social responsibility in the philosophy of prevention and continuous improvement. , well-being and development of interested parties and in the guidelines of NTC ISO 9001 (In its current version), NTC 14001 (In its current version), NTC 45001 (In its current version), SGE 21 and NTC ISO 27001 (In its current version). Senior Management will permanently maintain financial support for all activities generated from the implementation, development, maintenance and improvement of management systems. Management, advisors, professionals, technicians, administrative staff, and service providers, and other interested parties will participate in the different programs agreed upon and disclosed in a creative, prospective and persuasive process, to achieve effectiveness in meeting all the objectives of the System. of Comprehensive Management.
General Manager
Last Revision Date: November 15, 2024
Current Revision Date: January 17, 2025
Updated on the website: SI X NO ___
Update date on the website: January 17, 2025